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Slay the spire calipers plus#
Edit - And beat the Awakened One with over 550 block left. I've been wanting to get a Caliper relic plus focus/frost deck build going ever since we started playing The Defect and we finally made it happen It might. calibrate calibre calico California californium caliper caliph caliphate. I finished one fight with almost 300 block still unbroken. I did a lightning/ice/impulse focused deck, and once I got that relic it was all but unbeatable. So if you're playing to maximize win-rate instead of forcing a particular deck to happen, the opportunity to craft a Claw deck is really just in Act 1 where Claw is a decent pick since most cards are better than skipping so that you can get past A1 elites, and unless those early picks are claw synergistic (and they often aren't as explained above), then you've likely accumulated a bunch of anti-Claw cards making it less likely you'd want to take Claw for the rest of the run and so the possibility of a Claw deck coalescing from winrate optimization play instead of archetype-forcing isn't that high. Calipers, maybe, shouldn't be available for a Defect run. Calipers already offer decent damage protection for most decks and using Barricade on Ironclad generally helps a lot more with damage scaling than defence in my experience. SLAVOCRACY SLAW SLAWS SLAY SLAYED SLAYER SLAYERS SLAYING SLAYS SLEAVE. However later on, Barricade becomes less about upgrading your Calipers and more about upgrading damage scaling with Body Slam. If Claw isn't given enough scaling momentum then it's a low value card draw that slows down your deck's ability to burst, block, or scale from orbs. CALIPASHES CALIPEE CALIPEES CALIPER CALIPERED CALIPERING CALIPERS CALIPH.

It definitely benefits from later play as you will have obtained more powers by then. Bird faced urn I'm interested that it has the same rating throughout all 3 stages.

If a card offered to you isn't claw, and doesn't draw cards (particularly 0-cost cards), it slows Claw scaling down. I'm amazed how low people are rating calipers, an early gain of calipers can completely transform a run into an unstoppable block machine. Buy and sell secondary tickets for Mik Festival taking place at Gomm Road, London.The honest ticket marketplace. IMO, the meme isn't so much that it doesn't work (it clearly does as the daily climb shows), but that it's often a trap card outside of act 1 because it's anti-synergistic with most of the card pool.