Info: Adds a preliminary burst before sending the opponent away with the main burst. Info: A poweful magic burst from her grimoire that launches the opponent far away. Input: Press Z to charge one MP slot and release. Info: Allows the Rune Caster to perform Arcane Star, Arcane Burst, and Arcane Fall. The turrent can be destroyed by opponent's attacks and will disappear after 9 shots have been fired. At the apex of its travel, the cannonball will explode and spilt into five smaller cannonballs that will fall downwards before exploding as well. Info: creates a small red turret that fires a cannonball in the air which travels upwards. The turret can be destroyed by opponent's attacks and will disapper after 6 shots have been fired. Info: Creates a small red turret that fires a cannonball in the air which travels downwards in an arc fashion, leaving burning embers on contact with the ground. The turret can be destroyed by opponent's attacks and will disapper after 9 shots have been fired. Info: Creates a small blue turret that fires a cannonball which travels forward while piercing through opponents. Info: Creates a small blue turret that fires a cannonball which travels downwards. Info: Creates a landmine which generates a whirlpool that slows the movements of an opponent if stepped on. Info: Creates a small construct that splits in half periodically to generate a blue wall of lightning between its two pieces. The grenades travel a fair distance before detonating. Info: Summons the Wing Drive Weapons, which alters the Rune Caster's Basic Moveset for 20 seconds.

Info: Sends a Nano Machine that swings once before thrusting downwards. Info: Sends a gust that turns into a tornado, which throws the opponent in air.

Info: A downward slap which conjures three small magic explosions. Info: Attacks the opponent with two Nano Machines. Info: A triple swing attack delivered with the Grimoire. 3.1.2 Reduced Counterattack Cooldown Time Reduced Counterattack Cooldown Time 1.3.1 Reduced Counterattack Cooldown Time.